• Frequently Asked Questions

    Here, you’ll find answers to some of the more common questions about our therapy practices, processes, and policies, as well as therapy in general. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.

    How can counseling help me?

    Everyone is different, and counseling might work for you in ways it doesn’t work for others. Counselors provide support, problem-solving skills, and enhanced coping strategies for a variety of issues, including depression, anxiety, healing of childhood wounds, relationship challenges, loss and grief, obesity and weigh loss struggles, body image concerns, and career challenges among others. Many people find that counselors can be beneficial in helping them experience personal growth, with interpersonal or family relationships, marriage concerns, or simply feeling stuck.

    As your counselors, we will work together to help you approach your challenges in new ways. You will learn new skills, gain new perspectives, and experience unconditional listening without judgement or expectation. You will learn to listen to yourself without judgement as well, which is not always easy to do. The benefit gained from therapy depends entirely how open and accepting you are with yourself and how you use the tools you learn. Trust the process!

    I’ve never talked to anyone. I’m used to handling things on my own. Aren’t people who go to therapy weak?

    Not at all! In fact, it’s exactly the opposite! People who ask for help know when they need it and have the ability to reach out. Everyone needs help now and then. That itself is a strength and takes considerable courage. You are strong, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now. Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed and this particular challenge is making it more difficult to find your strength right now. Therapy is a form of self-care, which is essential to being strong and healthy both for you, and for your family and loved ones. We will work to identify those strengths, how you’ve used them in the past, and how might implement them during your current challenge.

    Can’t I just take medication?

    At EmpowHer Counseling, we work from a place of wellness as opposed to pathology. Medication alone cannot solve all the issues. Medication treats only the symptoms. Our work together is designed to explore the root of the issue, dig deep into your behavior and develop strategies that can help you change your existing narrative, and accomplish your personal and/or relational goals.

    Medication is sometimes most effective when used in conjunction with talk therapy. If additional support is needed, we work closely with homeopaths and psychiatrists in the area to help you find the best fit for your needs.

    How does therapy work? What do I have to do in sessions?

    Because each person has different issues and goals for therapy, therapy will look different depending on the individual. We tailor our therapeutic approach to your specific needs.

    You can initially expect to talk about your current circumstances and struggles. Your personal history is relevant to your current situation as well, in that your experiences shape who you are and how you handle challenges that arise throughout your life.

    Its important to note that your results are a direct reflection of your level of participation in the process. As such, we might suggest additional activities, outside of our sessions, that support your process, such as journaling, reading a relevant publication, or being more conscious of your own thoughts and behaviors.

    That said, the duration of therapy is dependent on your specific needs.  Therapy can be short term for a specific issue, or might be longer term if you are dealing with intense trauma, more difficult behavior patterns or looking for more extensive personal growth. Everyone’s circumstances are unique and the length of time therapy can take to achieve your personal goals depends on your desire for personal development, your commitment, and the factors that are driving you to seek therapy in the first place.

    I want to get the most out of therapy. What can I do to help?

    Maximizing the benefits of your therapy sessions at EmpowHer Counseling involves more than just talking; it requires active participation and commitment. Therapy is work – it demands initiative, effort, reflection, and a willingness to introspectively look in the mirror. Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your therapy:

    1. Be Prepared: Before each session, think about what you want to discuss or address. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you stay focused.
    2. Set Personal Goals: Identify what you hope to achieve through therapy and communicate these goals with your therapist. This will help guide your sessions and measure your progress.
    3. Engage Actively: Be open and honest in your communication. The more you share, the better your therapist can understand and help you.
    4. Do the Homework: Often, therapists provide exercises or activities to do between sessions. These are designed to deepen your understanding and practice the strategies discussed in therapy.
    5. Reflect on Your Progress: Regularly take time to consider how you’ve grown and what changes you’ve noticed. This can be motivating and uplifting.
    6. Be Patient and Persistent: Change takes time and sometimes comes with setbacks. Patience and persistence are crucial in seeing the long-term benefits of therapy.

    By approaching therapy with a proactive mindset, you position yourself to achieve significant personal growth and lasting change.